The special wish of Lea was a netbook.
To my question, why she picked that, she answered that she has got several brothers but they only have one laptop at home, meaning that she has got less opportunity to learn, read or play on it.
Lea’s wish was fullfilled by the students of the American International School of Budapest.
Naturally this was a surprise, just like the delicious lunch, cakes and almond as well. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that all the students and teachers of the school were excited that day. They were aware that not only one but three children of Csodalampa will visit them to introduce themselves and get to know one another better.
As usual, they were waiting for us with open arms. There was music and nice words. We watched a movie about other wishes fulfilled by AISB students. We could see many bright eyes. There were touched claps and of course much joy.
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You can see it on the picture how happy Lea was, when teacher Marc Lavoie’s studens handed her the beautiful, red netbook.
Lea said thank you for the gift in English, and sang a wonderful song with her father. At the end she handed over a self-made postcard to Marc. In the end of the song every member of the senior class thanked her for the song by standing up.
We hope you recover soon, Lea. Enjoy (sometimes alone too...) your own netbook.
30 November 2011, Nagykovacsi

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- Bence (11 years old, Szombathely)
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- Ditta Lea (10 years old, Budapest)
- Reports/2011-12-01 Daniel
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