Attila underwent a major operation, which meant that he was unable to mix with other children, so he particulary wanted a laptop that would allow him to keep in contact with his friends and even give him the opportunity to study from home. His dreams could be fulfilled with the help of Accenture GMBH Hungary.
We arranged a meeting on Thursday and Attila arrived with his parents. The company was represented by two ladies.
It was wonderful to see his smile!
Again the present went to the „right” person and gave much happiness. Again, Attila’s modesty touched all of us, which we had laready discovered last Christmas when, knowing that he was ill, he asked for no more than LOVE....
As love is the most powerful gift a family has to offer, he got in abundance!.
We are grateful that we had the opportunity to know them.

Budapest, 08.04.2010.
Péter longed for a laptop. Before Easter we agreed with his father to meet in Debrecen to give Péter his present.
Péter had no idea why he was having to go to Debrecen. He thought he was just accompanying his father for treatment in the hospital there, which was why he was so happy when he realised the whole point of the journey had been so he could receive his eagerly-awaited laptop.
We wish you the very best of health and every happiness with your new laptop.

Wish Coordinator
Debrecen, 2 April 2010
5 year old Máté sat nervously in his chair. He felt something was about to happen. During his lengthy stay in hospital he had already developed a shrewd sense for when something was wrong. Then he caught sight of an enormous box hiding the LEGO city he longed for. He sat up wearily in his chair and together with his mother tried to work out from the pictures on the front of the box what treasures might be hidden inside.
“Máté,” said his mother, “it looks like there’s even a prisoner in it.”
The little boy was absorbed in the pictures, and leaning back in his chair and with a weary smile on his face he gave thanks for the toy that would brighten up the days of his long stay in hospital.

Wish Coordinator
Budapest, 2 April 2010
Újbarok is a quiet little parish 40 km from Budapest, this is were we surprised a young man, who really didn’t count on our arrival. It was no secret anymore that the Wonderlamp would accomplish his request and soon he could play on a new upright piano again.
But what he didn’t know was when exactly this request would come true.
So curiously he came out to the front garden and saw a white butt car stop at the gate, at first he was watching silently as the piano transporters „snatched” the instrument and took it to his room, later he was already smiling. There was only one angry pair of eyes watching us, which indeed was Hedvig the dog’s, who was fearing his place in the room, and was constantly tightly following us round the room.
Tamás sat down to the piano a bit shyly, because a few years had passed since he last played on it, but luckily he hit a few sounds down for our request. He told us that although the old music sheets were still in boxes, as soon as they get unpacked, music again will take a huge part in his life.
Also to help, the shop leader of Fellegi Piano Salon offered to tune the piano up, which turned out to be Tamás’s worthy new instrument.

6th May 2010, Újbarok
We met Timea and her mother at the Tűzoltó Street Clinic when they were at a control examination.
The mother had kept our secret so well that the little girl had no idea what I could want when I stepped up to them the next time they were at the clinic. She was looking at me with her big eyes.
But when I asked her if she remembered what she had asked from the Wonderlamp she immediately answered: a computer.And when I told her with a smile that this is exactly what I had brought her she jumped and screamed in delight.
Evereybody around us was smiling seeing her great joy, and we learnt from her how many things she will use it for and that it is going to be only hers and nobody else’s.
Timi promised to use itnot only for playing but for studying , too.
May you spend pleasent and useful moments with your new „friend”, Timi.

Wish coordinator
Budapest, 23.03.2010.
We are always anxious to know that we hand over our presents at the right moment and the right place.
On this Monday morning (29.3.2010.)somebody else was also anxiously waiting: 9 year old Borsos Norbert who kept asking when his wish was to come true. Our colleagues at the clinic hadn’t revealed anything about the preparations until the Wonderlamp team had gathered in the „wish-fulfilment prepatation center”, that is Lengyel Andrea’s tiny office. This is where we try out all the technical equipments before handing them over to make sure they work. This is where the Czutor Zoli band had tuned the guitars before handing them over to Huba.
The wish this time was not a laptop or a guitar. The weight of the present isn’t small, we hope its healing and joy-bringing effect will be enormous.
When we entered Norbi’s ward at the Szeged Children’s Clinic he was watching TV. We didn’t want to disturb him. But then he turned round and smiled at us .
Norbi was still sitting on his bed when we put his „wish” an X-BOX on his lap. He explained to us what it was for ( to me it looked more like a DVD-player –PC mixture). His excitement grew when 2 games to be put into this X-BOX at home emerged from the package. (Norbi seems to be going home soon.) In the meanwhile Norbi’s grandmother had arrived ,too.
I asked the feted to take a photo of us all if by chance he knew something about these machines, too. Norbi hastily got out of bed admitting that he doesn’t know these kinds of cameras yet but a few seconds later he was happily taking photos of all these known and unknown people eagerly watching on his wishes.
Thank you for the photo, Norbi. May you use the WONDERBOX in good health.

wish coordinators
Feri came to the department for a treatment so he wasn’t too happy. He was just occupying his bed when I-together with my little helper, Hanna-stepped in the ward. We got him to smile at us and then we came up with our surprise.He didn’t have to be asked to smile any more, he smiled by himself.
May you use it in good health, Feri.
Thank you.

Wish coordinator
Debrecen, 23.03.2010.
Noémi wished to have a camera.
Once we arrived at the clinic, she had a bad mood as her lab results became worse. Once she realized we’ve arrived she became very happy and was pleased to take over the presents.
She opened the camera and has immediately tried it. We took some photos, too. It was very nice to see her happiness!
We wish you to get well as soon as possible and we wish you can prepare lots of nice photos.

Wish coordinators
Szeged, 13th April 2010.
Elizabeth is 17 years old and really would like to drive the family car but to do so she needs a driving license.
We received the wish in autumn but waited for the spring and good weather so she started the driving course in April.
We asked Elizabeth to inform us when she passes the exams and receives the license.
We wish her success in the name of the foundation!

Alsónémedi, 20.04.2010.
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