Donat was getting a two-day treatment when we visited him on 20th August.
Our arrival was a surprise because earlier we could not contact him/them to make an appointment.
Donat couldn’t believe his eyes when he came out of his room and saw the Barcelona jersey in my hand. He took the package gratefully, opened the two-piece original T-shirt and admired it.
I had the feeling that the gift helped Donat to forget about the hospital and pains of the treatments for a moment. We hope he was able to sleep better that night…
We wish to thank the management and staff of BWSP Gobert and Partners Law Office for their help to make Donat’s special wish come true.
Well, this is what a real surprise looks like. When András opened the door to us it was only his good upbringing which prevented him from asking us: “Who are you looking for?”.
Only two hours previously he had been discharged from hospital then, not much later, three unknown women were looking for him...
His mother was so good at keeping a secret that she hid the unassembled bicycle in the bedroom to make sure that he would not discover it. We were all together when the door was opened and, just like at Christmas, the young man could not hide his surprise and joy. He inspected the bicycle from all angles and could hardly wait to ride it and go exploring.
Before he could do anything, we bombarded him and his mother with questions about his recovery, his school and his plans for the future.
Hardly had we left than he started his test ride around the neighbourhood. No problem with that provided that the doctor does not know about it!
We wish you a fast recovery, András, and many happy and memorable hours on your new bicycle.
Many thanks to the colleagues of BWSP Gobert and Partners Law Office that they helped make András’ wish come true. Many thanks as well to Emma Edes-Gobert and Tímea Kásler who represented the sponsoring law firm.
Budapest, 14/08/2013

It was a beautiful sunny day when I visited Szabolcs. He wanted to get a LEGO railway station.The Magic Lamp could fullfit his wish. When I arrived Szabolcs did not know Ihad in my bag. It was of course his present.
The surprise was great. He did not want to believe his eyes. He began to pack the present box with his brother and they started to build the railway station.
We wish you, dear Szabolcs, speedy recovery and a lot of fun to your new game.
Many thanks to the LEGO Manufacturing Kft. for your help in fulfilling of Szabolcs's wish.

Bobkó Stella
Körösszegapáti, 24th 07. 2013

After a lot of researches, we found out children ar not allowed to travel on the the many big riverboats seen in Budapest, so we chose with Sári a hydrofoil trip to Vienna.
It was an wonderful tour, where we had the opportunity to see famous, historical sights, ruined castles and breathtaking climbs. We also had two occasions to sluice; we liked the first one better, which had 18 meters heigh difference...
We spent two days in the beautiful city of Vienna.
We visited the town’s old quarter, walked around in the parks, went to see the Hundertwasser house and Hofburg, climbed up a church’s steps, shopped in Kärntnerstraße and Graben, we also made a trip with a real hansom cab and also visited the famous castle of Schönbrunn and it’s park.
After visiting all these places and trying out a lot of new activities, we went to see, how Boglárka makes the Apfelstrudel, so that we can relax. When we finished eatig, we visited the zoo park, took a walk in the park, tried the famous big wheel in Prater, whirled and still had a little time to try the water spout. We finished our day with a huge Wiener Schnitzel.
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On Thursday we embarked again the hydrofoil, but this time, in the other direction.
A lot of people say, Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but as we reached Esztergom and Budapest, we decided, we wouldn’t change with the Austrians. The Basilica of Esztergom, the castle of Visegrád and the famous sights of Budapest match with the parts of the world heritage, which we had the opportunity to see.
The best part of our last day was sluicing again, just in the other way. We really enjoyed it.
We hope, we could fully fulfil the wish of Sára.

Budapest, July 31, 2013
We knew, as we sow the forcast for the day shoving 40 C degrees, this is going to be the hardest of the Forma1- wish fulfillments. Three children, Krisztián (18) from Szeged, Máté (7), who is living in Siófok and Simon (14) from the capital had a common wish. They all adore the racing circus, so we battled with the impossible and worked on getting perfect, covered seats as close as possible to the racing cars and the competitors. The wonder happened, and we would like to thank for so many people for helping us giving this unforgettable journey to the boys.
Thursday - we were a bit frightened as we arrived with Máté, Simon an Krisztián. The weather was muggy, but also rainy. Máté also made jokes, that we’re in trouble, because he didn’t bring rubber sheets for the seats… Well, we were lucky, because the weather stayed affable, while the guys were walking behind the Paddock, looking at the many celebrities. It was a breathtaking treat, being so near to Messrs Webber, Massa, Button and to a lot more champions. We almost had an hour for getting autographs from them and for just looking around.
When our time was over, the Red Bull staff invited us to drink some refreshing swill, so that we can be prepared for our next big journey to the paddock, where the boys could visit the two Red Bull racing cars. We arrived during the assembly and had to give space for the workers to make the last patches. We had a huge luck and perfect timing, because they just pushed in a Ferrari right next to us.
After having some time for "sightseeing", we had to leave the box street because there was still a surprise waiting for us, „called” Mark Webber. He already met last year some children from Csodalámpa, so he welcomed us as acquaintances. He was interested in our questios and at the end he gave the boys a autographed caps.
On Saturday and Sunday the boys had then the opportunity to enjoy the competition at Hungaroring. It was an unforgettable experience for all of them because they already knew some of the racing stars personally from the Tuesday meetings.

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Mogyoród, July 25-28, 2013.
We knew, as we sow the forcast for the day shoving 40 C degrees, this is going to be the hardest of the Formula 1 - wish fulfilments. Three children, Krisztián (18) from Szeged, Máté (7), who is living in Siófok and Simon (14) from the capital had a common wish. They all adore the racing circus, so we battled with the impossible and worked on getting perfect, covered seats as close as possible to the racing cars and the competitors. The wonder happened, and we would like to thank for so many people for helping us giving this unforgettable journey to the boys.
Thursday - we were a bit frightened as we arrived with Máté, Simon an Krisztián. The weather was muggy, but also rainy. Máté also made jokes, that we’re in trouble, because he didn’t bring rubber sheets for the seats… Well, we were lucky, because the weather stayed affable, while the guys were walking behind the Paddock, looking at the many celebrities. It was a breathtaking treat, being so near to Messrs Webber, Massa, Button and to a lot more champions. We almost had an hour for getting autographs from them and for just looking around.
When our time was over, the Red Bull staff invited us to drink some refreshing swill, so that we can be prepared for our next big journey to the paddock, where the boys could visit the two Red Bull racing cars. We arrived during the assembly and had to give space for the workers to make the last patches. We had a huge luck and perfect timing, because they just pushed in a Ferrari right next to us.
After having some time for "sightseeing", we had to leave the paddock because there was still a surprise waiting for us, „called” Mark Webber. He already met last year some children from Csodalámpa, so he welcomed us as acquaintances. He was interested in our questios and at the end he gave the boys a autographed caps.
On Saturday and Sunday the boys had then the opportunity to enjoy the competition at Hungaroring. It was an unforgettable experience for all of them because they already knew some of the racing stars personally from the Tuesday meetings.

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Mogyoród, July 25-28, 2013.
We knew, as we sow the forcast for the day shoving 40 C degrees, this is going to be the hardest of the Forma1- wish fulfillments. Three children, Krisztián (18) from Szeged, Máté (7), who is living in Siófok and Simon (14) from the capital had a common wish. They all adore the racing circus, so we battled with the impossible and worked on getting perfect, covered seats as close as possible to the racing cars and the competitors. The wonder happened, and we would like to thank for so many people for helping us giving this unforgettable journey to the boys.
Thursday - we were a bit frightened as we arrived with Máté, Simon an Krisztián. The weather was muggy, but also rainy. Máté also made jokes, that we’re in trouble, because he didn’t bring rubber sheets for the seats… Well, we were lucky, because the weather stayed affable, while the guys were walking behind the Paddock, looking at the many celebrities. It was a breathtaking treat, being so near to Messrs Webber, Massa, Button and to a lot more champions. We almost had an hour for getting autographs from them and for just looking around.
When our time was over, the Red Bull staff invited us to drink some refreshing swill, so that we can be prepared for our next big journey to the paddock, where the boys could visit the two Red Bull racing cars. We arrived during the assembly and had to give space for the workers to make the last patches. We had a huge luck and perfect timing, because they just pushed in a Ferrari right next to us.
After having some time for "sightseeing", we had to leave the box street because there was still a surprise waiting for us, „called” Mark Webber. He already met last year some children from Csodalámpa, so he welcomed us as acquaintances. He was interested in our questios and at the end he gave the boys a autographed caps.
On Saturday and Sunday the boys had then the opportunity to enjoy the competition at Hungaroring. It was an unforgettable experience for all of them because they already knew some of the racing stars personally from the Tuesday meetings.

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Mogyoród, July 25-28, 2013.
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