I met Domonkos at Liszt Ferenc Airport for the first time, two hours before our flight to Copenhagen.
Soon I found out that the young man who is about to choose career is interested in architecture besides medicine.
However, before the big decision he really wanted to meet his role model, the famous Danish architect Bjarke Ingels.
Our plane landed in Copenhagen in the late afternoon, so we could only make a short walk in the city. Despite the exhausting travel, Domonkos’ eyes sparkled when he recognized the first building, the Harbour Bath, designed by Mr. Ingels.
Then came the big day...
We reached Bjarke Ingels’ office (BIG) by automatic underground.
Hulda and Julia, who is a hungarian architect student and serves as an intern, enthusiastically took us around in the world of designs and maquettes.
After they invited us for lunch, Domonkos was allowed to build a maquette as a part of an active project.

In the office, everyone had admired Domonkos’ talent, and they apologised that they can send his maquette only later to him, because the office will use it during the project presentation to the customer.
Unfortunately Bjarke Ingels was not in the office, because he was traveling in the world, but Domonkos seemed not too disappointed.
The special shapes of buildings all around us and the hospitality in the office enchanted Domonkos.
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After work we said farewell to the two colleagues, as a surprise Domonkos got books of the BIG projects, and a t-shirt with his maquette printed on it. Then they invited us to a barbecue party, where Domonkos talked with the architects about his architect ambitions.
After leaving the office, we were searching for two other BIG-buildings in the city, then we got back to the hotel exhausted by all the excitement.
Next day, we travelled by train to Helsingør, where we visited a nautical museum, designed by Bjarke Ingels’ office. As a part of the exhibition we could see how the designs of the building were made and how the engineers could execute the not-ordinary ideas.
Although we unfortunately didn’t manage to meet Bjarke Ingels in person, Domonkos told me, that right after we had entered the office, he liked everything so much,that he was sure: he wants to be an architect. Everything that happened after this, just strengthened him in his determination.
Copenhagen, August 14, 2014

Efraim would like to became a pediatric surgeon.
He wants to heal in a special way: after the surgical operations he would play the violin for the children to cheer them up. This is his reason to ask for a violin from Magic Lamp.
He has benn taking violin classes for 3 years now, and he is a very diligent student. He was thinking about taking piano lessons as well but since they live in a small flat he has chosen the violin instead.
We met Efraim and his parents, Lorand and Gabi downtown at the Royal Szamos pastry shop. He was told that the Magic Lamp people would like to meet him in order to clarify what kind of instrument he would like to get exactly…
Soon he got comfortable with us and we had a great conversation.
After having a special cake (our friend Zoltán who is the confectioner there has shaped it into a bear and has decorated it nicely for Efraim), we suggested to go for a walk in the area… We visited the Music Academy – and what a surprise - we ended up in the Paganini Music musical instrument shop on the other side of the street.
Mr. Zoltán Mága the famous violinist and his kind friend Mr. Pál Rácz, Golden Wreath Violin Maker were expecting us already.
It only took a few minutes for Efraim to overcome his shyness and soon he was talking with Mr Mága as old friends do.
They were looking at many beautiful violins; he even got to hold a 100 year old violin in his hands.
He was given to try three different violins and he played quite well (he must have suspect something because he gave us a small performance…).
Mr Mága even has given him a few advices that could help him improve his playing in the future.
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The real surprise was about to come: Efraim could choose of one of the three instruments he has just played as a joint present of Mr. Mága, Mr. Rácz and the Magic Lamp. He also has got all the indispensable items to play music with, along with his wonderful new violin made by Mr. Pál Rácz.
As a bonus Mr. Mága has played for us a beautiful piece and Mr. Rácz took us around in his workshop and store that is like a museum itself.
Efraim and his patrons are friends for life now; the big boy is always welcome in the shop. Efraim has promised to update them about his progress in music and to visit Mr Mága from time to time.
Budapest, Szeptember 5, 2014
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