The four-year old Feri asked for a car-bed from the Csodalámpa Foundation.
On Sunday, November 13 2011, I arrived with Kim and Theresa, two fantastic teachers of the American International School, to Törtel, to the Tóth family, to fulfil the grant Feri’s wish. The family greeted us with big excitement. Luckily Feri had no idea why we were there.
When we wanted to start putting the bed together it turned out that there was a small problem: the box was too big to fit through the door. We had to figure out a plan to distract Feri so we can carry the pieces one by one inside, and put the bed together without him noticing.
The solution was a quick shopping trip to the nearby grocery store. When he got back, the bed was already standing assembled in his room. It took him a few minutes to realize that his wish had come through finally and from now on he would be sleeping in his own car- bed. But soon he was happily playing with the headlights and jumping up and down on the bed.
Theresa and Kim presented Feri with a card and many colourful paintings that the students of the American School prepared for him. Feri took them happily, and spread them on the top of his brand new bed. In the meantime lunchtime arrived, and we were invited to join the family for Sunday lunch. But after the delicious lunch it was time for us to leave. We said good-bye sadly to Feri and his family, but the memory of his happy smile will always remain with us.

Andrea Molnár
Törtel, 13-11-2011
Törtel, 13-11-2011
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- József (12 years old, Encs-Gibárt)
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- Ferenc (4 years old, Törtel)
- Róbert (10 years old, Gyomaendrõd)
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