
Máté wanted an outdoor playhouse from the Csodalámpa Foundation.
On Saturday, November 12 2011, I arrived with Kim and Theresa, two fantastic teachers of the American International School, to Máté’s family, to fulfil his wish.
The family greeted us with big excitement. The table was already set, pogácsa, sandwiches and cookies were waiting for us. Theresa and Kim presented Máte with a card and many colourful paintings that the students of the American School prepared for him. Then the box was brought in. Máté first was looking suspiciously at the big box, he did not want to believe, that it was hiding his dream house. But then he became excited when he saw the colourful pieces, even grabbed a screwdriver to help his father and Theresa with the assembly.
The house was ready soon, and Máté enthusiastically took possession. He was happily running in and out of the house and waving out of the window.
We were watching him to play for a while, but then it was time for us to leave. We said good-bye sadly to Máté and his family, but the memory of his happy laugh will always remain with us.

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Andrea Molnár
Budakeszi, 12-11-2011
Budakeszi, 12-11-2011
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