Little Kornél is a real artist, he is fond of drawing, he likes tales and music, so during our discussion I thought he would ask for a drawing set or a CD from the Jinn of the Wonder Lamp. I was really surprised that his wish was a serious Thomas railway station.
The always playfully smiling little boy accurately explained what the railway station should be looked like, what kind of people should be waiting for the arriving trains. He also told us that after the poor engine got tired during its long journey, it should have a rest in a good place where it wouldn’t get wet and it could sleep a lot.
Jinn tried to find out whether such a real, complete Thomas railway station with a service area could be bought. It turned out soon, that Kornélka gave us a professional description of the toy, he had longed for. So the engine and the small train could leave the toy store. Along its way passengers were taken up and finally the train arrived with a loud hooting to Tűzoltó Street Clinic, where the elegantly dressed Kornélka spent his one-day medical treatment.
It was a big surprise when the little boy saw the present. Certainly, all passengers greeted the new, young station-master. Thomas engine hooted a big in honour of the new manager, and then it could push along with the passengers to the next station.
Afterwards little Kornél, as the manager of the whole railway company, thought that Thomas had got tired because of the long journey, so it was high time to have a rest. He pushed the engine in the engine-shed and said good night.
Soon after I also said good bye to the small boy, who had got a little bit tired because of the treatment and the playing. On departure I asked him for a kiss but he looked at me with his playful smile and told me that he was out of it, it had been taken by the cat. It happens… all right, I will ask for some extra kisses next time.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 20th April, 2010.
Previous posts
- Noémi ( 14 years old, Gyula )
- Elizabeth ( 17 years old, Alsónémedi )
- János ( 17 years old, Tiszaszentimre )
- Balázs ( 16 years old, Nagymaros )
- Patrik ( 3 years old, Hódmezővásárhely )
- Kornél ( 3,5 years old, Budapest )
- Dániel ( 17 years old, Kaposújlak )
- Angéla ( 9 éves, Újszentiván )
- Richard ( 6 years old, Tiszakarád )
- Klaudia ( 16 years old, Budapest )
- Donát (17 years old, Nagybajom)
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