

We saw Daniel and his sister as they were standing on the road and waiting for us. The big gate was open and they were waving, that we should park in. By the time we parked the whole family was standing outside and smiling because they knew Daniel’s wish had arrived, the computer. The children helped to carry the computer in. They fixed the brand new machine together next to an old, small efficiency methuselah.

Daniel was over the moon when he saw the huge LCD monitor, and he tried it out straightaway. Because he has not got internet access yet, he asked me to say thank you to all the founders. The parents promised Daniel as soon as the internet is available in their street, he will also have access to it.

We also suprised Daniel with the Wonderlamp t-shirt. He said this was going to be his favorite shirt, and that he’s going to wear this for the medical checkups as well.

Today it was especially good to be a member of the Wonderlamp Foundation. To see the big happiness of not only Daniel but the whole family was incredible. That computer is in the best possible place ever, the family because of their bad circumstances could not have afforded it.

Tünde Bezdánné Végh and László Szabó
18.04.2010. Kaposújlak

Thank you for the help and support of the EON Hungária Zrt.!


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