Anna is a devoted heavy metal fan, along with her whole family. One of their favorite bands is Powerwolf.
As soon as the band announced their world tour dates in 2023, they immediately bought tickets for the Budapest concert. A few weeks later, unfortunately, Anna’s illness was discovered…
It’s no surprise that her wish was to meet the band members at the concert. And thanks to the Magic Lamp genie, her wish came true!
After the massively successful concert, Anna and her family were able to meet and greet the "wolves" in a private setting.
The band members even surprised Anna with personal gifts, which was an incredible surprise. After getting over her initial shyness, Anna’s questions began to flow. The meeting was wonderfully informal and will remain an unforgettable experience!
wish coordinator
Budapest, 22.10. 2024.

I met the 16-year-old boy from Nyíregyháza, who studies here at the high school, at the EGYMI School for the Disabled. The serious-minded, very nice, ambitious young man actively plays sports in addition to studying and learning languages. He attends wheelchair basketball and ice hockey training and is a member of the Parahockey team.
Alex travels from Nyíregyháza to the college in Budapest every week, the training also takes a lot of time. For a long time, he wanted a PlayStation, with which he could relax in his little free time.

wish- coordinator
Budapest, October 24, 2024.

Imre is a student in the 2nd grade of primary school and enjoys playing outdoors with his siblings. His wish was to get a playground where they could swing, slide and climb together.

wish coordinator
Létavértes, 19.10.2024.
Vince is a direct, chatty little boy who loves to play Legos.
He already has many, many Lego at home, but one or two pieces are still missing from his inventory.
His wish was the Freight Train Lego from the Magic Lam, which was given to Vince by two kind lovely teachers of the American School. According to Vince, he will put together this huge Lego with the help of his dad. Vince is fond not just of trains, he told us that as an adult he would like to drive a garbage truck or ice cream car.

Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 17.10.2024

In his free time, Roland roller skates or plays board games or reads poetry. His favorite subject is informatics, in the future he would like to work as an informatics librarian.
What he wanted from Magic Lamp was a laptop, which would be a great help for his studies, but of course he could also watch movies on it, for example his favorites, Intouchables and Bridget Jones movies.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 18.10.2024
Laura has been "enjoying" the hospitality of the hospital for a very long time. She knows every place, she has visited every floor, not even once. And she was already impatiently waiting for the Genie of the Magic Lamp to arrive.
She really wanted a smart-watch that would always be with her and that she could watch and measure everything on it. She was very happy when finally received it and was excitedly waiting for his father to arrive, who would help her to delve even deeper into the possibilities offered by the watch.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 18.10.2024

Dominik's wish from the Magic Lamp was a laptop, which will be a great help for him to learn. Dominik was looking forward to his laptop since the school year had already begun, and one Sunday afternoon I knocked on their door. I could manage to get a surprise, he was very, very happy with the machine.
Enjoy using it! We wish you good health Dominik!

Ajka, 13.10.2024
Málna is a very cute little girl who likes to play with her dolls either alone or with her two sisters.
From Magic Lamp, she wanted a "twinkling" baby and a stroller to take Málna's newest doll for a walk, as well as a complete set of baby furniture, including a high chair, cot and baby bath.
Málna could hardly believe that she could take all these things home and of course she immediately opened the doll from the packaging to see if she could really close her eyes.

wish coordinatorr
Budapest,Budapest, 15.10.2024.
Adam's wish from the Magic Lamp was a PS5 game.
We made a dream come true, which was Ádám's big dream and he didn't even believe it could come true until we handed him the console.
He unwrapped the box with anticipation and admiration. He unpacked the console and its accessories one by one and hugged them, reliving every moment of the miracle that made his dream come true. Feeling sensitive, he hugged the game console again and again. He helps his mother with the housework after school. He loves animals very much and the family raises many small animals. He also provides a lot of help to his father in caring for the animals.
We hope the game console will help you relax between hospital treatments and studying.

wish coordinator
Újszász, 09.10.2024.
Levente has already heard – and studied – a lot about Rome, about its sights and of course about its delicious pizza and gelato. He really wanted to experience it firsthand.
Levente has never travelled on an airplane before, thus already the airport was interesting for him but it caused him additional joy when the captain welcomed him on board by name. The icing on the cake was, when after landing, he was allowed to go into the cockpit, thanks to WizzAir Foundation.
Since Levente was first of all interested in the Colosseum, we headed there first. It was a fantastic feeling seeing this magnificent monument! We could only go in the next day, so we continued our walk toward Circus Maximus. Strolling towards Tevere also Levente put his hand in „the mouth of truth” -and got it out safely😊. After eating pizza for lunch we got to Saint Peter’s square, which got Levente in awe, and he was mesmerized by the size and beauty of the Basilica. There were so many sights to take in that he barely felt tired after this long day, so in the evening we visited the Trevi-fountain and the Spanish steps as well.
Our second day was entirely taken up by wandering around the Colosseum and the Forum Romanum – it was beautiful!
We started the third day on Piazza del Popolo, after which we revisited – this time in daylight - the Spanish steps, the Trevi-fountain, and we could tick the Pantheon off the list as well. After all this walking Levente earned himself a true Italian gelato – it was difficult choosing from the 150 flavours offered. Refreshed, we admired Piazza Navona, walked along the river, through the Jewish quarters, and at the Largo di Torre Argentina we counted the cats.

On the fourth – and last – day we visited the Santa Maggiore Basilica and then we went to the local vegetable and fish market. After that we still had time to go up to the top of the Vittorio Emanuele II. memorial, from where we enjoyed a breathtaking view. It was a worthy goodbye from this beautiful city! Levente gained a lot of experiences on this trip, the „eternal city” became an eternal memory for him in only a few days.

Rome October5, 2024
Ákos’s hobby is nature, and he loves animals. He had a big dream: to pet a dolphin and swim with it.
He could hardly believe that his wish would soon come true. But it did. On a beautiful September day, Wizz Air flew us to the wonderful island, Malta, where the boy’s wish was completely fulfilled. Even the flight itself was a great experience for Ákos, as he received a gift from the kind, smiling staff, and he even was allowed into the cockpit.
In Malta, the wonders continued at the elegant Corinthia Hotel, where they awaited him with a chocolate cake and balloons, and during our stay, they continuously paid special attention to every wish of their little guest. We planned to meet the dolphins the day after our arrival, but it started raining unexpectedly, so this program was postponed to the next day. We waited for the unusually heavy rain to stop, then went on an excursion to a beautiful place, and even took a dip in the sea towards the end of the day.
A day later, we finally made it to the Dolphinarium, where many interesting things awaited us. Ákos’s favorites were the dolphin show and the parrot show, but he also enjoyed feeding the little parrots from his hand. The highlight of the day was, of course, swimming with the dolphin, which the little boy had longed for so much and which undoubtedly became a lifelong memory for him.
On the last day, we squeezed in a short beach visit before heading back to Budapest, bringing home unforgettable memories.
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Málta, September 19-22, 2024
Dorka loves sports, swimming and horse riding, but she draws and paints most of her time.
She attends art school and plans to become a graphic designer.
She asked the Magic Lamp for drawing books, a set of 150 drawing pencils and acrylic paints.
Dorka proudly showed her creations, including the one that has already been exhibited at the Corvin Community Centre in Erzsébetliget.
wish coordinator
Budapest, 16.06.2024
Vanessza is preparing for a longer hospital treatment, during which she will be many, many kilometers away from her family.
What she wanted from Magic Lamp was a mobile phone with which she could keep in touch with her family members and girlfriends from afar. Of course, she will also be able to surf the Internet and listen to music on the iPhone.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 19.09.2024.
Hanna’s wish was perfectly fulfilled! Early Friday morning, we departed from Ferihegy to Berlin, where a young man from the airline helped us with check-in and baggage drop-off. Hanna and the Magic Lamp were specially greeted on board by the Wizz Air crew, and at the end of the flight, we were even invited into the cockpit. Hanna received a small airplane and a cute teddy bear as gifts!
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The real joy awaited her on Sunday – the tennis matches for the final day were brilliantly arranged: Team Europe faced off against the World Team, and it turned out that we could watch 4 matches – more than 10 hours of live tennis at the Uber Arena. Hanna handled and endured the excitement incredibly well.
And in the middle of the day, the miracle we had hoped for but couldn’t be sure of happened: Hanna met Carlos Alcaraz!!
We waited for him on the locker room level of the stadium, Carlos came out to us in the hallway and had a very nice conversation with Hanna: he gave an autograph and we could take photos. Hanna had prepared three questions for the meeting, and from the answers, we learned that the young tennis ace likes to try other sports, such as golfing, and also enjoys playing video games. However, Hanna’s third question/request was surprising: “Could you possibly give me one of your tennis rackets?” she asked. Alcaraz turned around without a word, disappeared, but a few seconds later, he handed over his racket!
It was an uplifting feeling to see Hanna’s joy!
We wish this very kind, smiling, open, and helpful little girl to stay this cheerful and to play as much tennis as possible – of course, she won’t practice with this racket – it will be framed on her room’s wall.
We are also grateful to Wizz Air Hungary Ltd., CHARITIES AID FOUNDATION OF AMERICA , the management of the JW Marriott Hotel Berlin, the management of the Budapest Marriott Hotel, Mr. Arne Klehn, and his colleagues for their assistance in fulfilling Hanna’s wish.

Wish Coordinator
Berlin, September 22, 2024

Shenis' big dream came true with this wonderful trip to Cyprus. The big girl summed up her experience as follows:
"I've been curious about Cyprus for a long time, and when I heard that I had the opportunity with the Magic Lamp, I immediately took advantage of it.
Although I have flown before, it is new it was an experience to be the first to get on the plane and sit in the cockpit. On the way, I got a very cute teddy bear and a small Wizz air plane, which I love.
The accommodation was perfect. The view from my room was breathtaking. We looked around Larnaca, swam at Nissi Beach, saw the lovers' bridge, and on the last day we went on a boat tour in Larnaca, where we saw an old sunken wreck and where we could jump into the water. At the end of the day, we always ate divine food.
When I got home, I was tired, but I couldn't have ended the summer better. It will remain an eternal experience.

wish coordinator
Cyprus, 31.08.2024
Míra’s and Melánia's old dream came true with the trip to Paris, they were really looking forward to the day of departure. We were able to travel with the plane of the Wizz Air airline, and then a minibus was waiting for us at the airport, so we arrived comfortably at the hotel. It was easy to get to all the attractions from the hotel. About the attractions we were given a long wish list from the girls in advance. It included traditional tourist attractions, but also included trendy, modern attractions.
We had a stunning view from the 3rd floor of the Eiffel Tower, which we reached in daylight, but we were also able to enjoy Paris also in the evening thanks to the ticket purchased at a lucky time. From above, we could even see some exciting moments of a ball game in the nearby stadium, because we arrived in the French capital on the last days of the Paralympics, but we couldn't tell from the height what kind of game it was. Due to the Olympic events, we had a lot of problems with lockdowns, and thus temporary stands, halls, and tents were placed in our photos as the foreground or background of the historic buildings and bridges, but that's okay, this made the trip even more unforgettable and unique.
We admired the Notre-Dame Cathedral (as far as the scaffolding allowed), soaked up the atmosphere on the banks of the Seine, and then took a boat ride on the river, getting a wonderful panorama of the nearby buildings and attractions. Later we also crossed the most famous bridges of Paris. During our walks, we visited the Champs-Élysées, where the girls shopped, the Arc de Triomphe, the Pompidou Center, we saw the Church of the Invalides with Napoleon's tomb, and of course we couldn't miss the Montmartre district either, and even before the crowds we managed to get up to the high dome of the Sacré-Coeur after admiring the interior of the church. The Opera, the Louvre and its pyramids, the Bastille, Trocadéro and Concorde Square, the Tuileries Garden, Pigalle, Moulin Rouge, the "I love you" wall... we can't even list how many places we visited. In the Atelier des Lumières, the hall that used to be an iron foundry, the walls came to life and we were dazzled by a captivating light show in every corner of the huge room, accompanied by musical background. We almost had to skip the Cédric Grolet Confectionery after seeing the snaking line, but luckily we found a "loophole" in the neighboring street, where we managed to get the famously delicious snacks and coffee, although not quite from the same range. We went to Place Vendôme, where not only Napoleon proclaims his glory at the top of a column, but you can find here also the Ritz Carlton hotel, from which Princess Diana departed on her last journey.
By the end of the third day, we were probably all moving routinely in the intricate, many-faceted underground labyrinth of the metro network.
The trip to Paris went very well, the girls suddenly couldn't articulate what they liked the most.
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wish coordinators
Paris, 10 September, 2024.
Milana's big dream came true with the trip to Disneyland. She also had company, Lotti also 10 years old, who also wanted to get to this fairytale place.
When we boarded the plane in Budapest, the Wizz Air team awaited us with a gift, and the girls could also sit in the cockpit.
We arrived at the hotel in Disneyland early Friday afternoon, where we occupied our rooms and the girls even received gifts. After that, we started the afternoon at Walt Disney Studios, where we immediately got on the Tower of Terror roller coaster, one of the scariest, but nothing held the girls back! With the help of the Wish Program, we received wristbands that allowed us to sit on all games without standing in line. So in half a day we got to everything the girls wanted at Walt Disney Studios.
After dinner, we were able to watch the big fireworks in Disneyland Park from the front row.
We spent Saturday in the Disneypark, we were also able to try all the games and roller coasters without queuing.
After the parade of Disney characters in the afternoon, we sat on Milana’s and Lotti's favorite toys several times. The girls got along very well, they really enjoyed the trip, we even took pictures with Winnie the Pooh!
On Sunday morning we set off for Budapest, and the Wizz Air team welcomed us on board with delicious coffee and tea on the way back.
The trip was a lifetime experience for both children.
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Paris, 09.06.2024

Melánia’s and Míra's old dream came true with the trip to Paris, they were really looking forward to the day of departure. We were able to travel with the plane of the Wizz Air airline, and then a minibus was waiting for us at the airport, so we arrived comfortably at the hotel. It was easy to get to all the attractions from the hotel. About the attractions we were given a long wish list from the girls in advance. It included traditional tourist attractions, but also included trendy, modern attractions.
We had a stunning view from the 3rd floor of the Eiffel Tower, which we reached in daylight, but we were also able to enjoy Paris also moments of a ball game in the nearby stadium, because we arrived in the French capital on the last days of the Paralympics, but we couldn't tell from the height what kind of game it was. Due to the Olympic events, we had a lot of problems with lockdowns, and thus temporary stands, halls, and tents were placed in our photos as the foreground or background of the historic buildings and bridges, but that's okay, this made the trip even more unforgettable and u in the evening thanks to the ticket purchased at a lucky time. From above, we could even see some exciting momnique.
We admired the Notre-Dame Cathedral (as far as the scaffolding allowed), soaked up the atmosphere on the banks of the Seine, and then took a boat ride on the river, getting a wonderful panorama of the nearby buildings and attractions. Later we also crossed the most famous bridges of Paris. During our walks, we visited the Champs-Élysées, where the girls shopped, the Arc de Triomphe, the Pompidou Center, we saw the Church of the Invalides with Napoleon's tomb, and of course we couldn't miss the Montmartre district either, and even before the crowds we managed to get up to the high dome of the Sacré-Coeur after admiring the interior of the church. The Opera, the Louvre and its pyramids, the Bastille, Trocadéro and Concorde Square, the Tuileries Garden, Pigalle, Moulin Rouge, the "I love you" wall... we can't even list how many places we visited. In the Atelier des Lumières, the hall that used to be an iron foundry, the walls came to life and we were dazzled by a captivating light show in every corner of the huge room, accompanied by musical background. We almost had to skip the Cédric Grolet Confectionery after seeing the snaking line, but luckily we found a "loophole" in the neighboring street, where we managed to get the famously delicious snacks and coffee, although not quite from the same range. We went to Place Vendôme, where not only Napoleon proclaims his glory at the top of a column, but you can find here also the Ritz Carlton hotel, from which Princess Diana departed on her last journey.
By the end of the third day, we were probably all moving routinely in the intricate, many-faceted underground labyrinth of the metro network.
The trip to Paris went very well, the girls suddenly couldn't articulate what they liked the most.
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wish coordinators
Paris, 10 September, 2024.
We had a very special experience with Lotti, who waited two years for the trip to Eurodisney. Milana was also with us, who also wanted to be able to get to this fairytale place.
When we boarded the plane in Budapest, the Wizz Air team awaited us with a gift, and the girls could also sit in the cockpit.
We arrived at the hotel in Disneyland early Friday afternoon, where we occupied our rooms and the girls even received gifts.
After that, we started the afternoon at Walt Disney Studios, where we immediately got on the Tower of Terror roller coaster, one of the scariest, but nothing held the girls back! With the help of the Wish Program, we received wristbands that allowed us to sit on all games without standing in line. So in half a day we got to everything that the girls wanted at Walt Disney Studios.
After dinner, we were able to watch the big fireworks in Disneyland Park from the front row.
We spent Saturday in the Disney park, we were also able to try all the games and roller coasters without queuing.
After the parade of Disney characters in the afternoon, we sat on Lotti’s and Milana's favorite toys several times. The girls got along very well, they really enjoyed the trip, we even took pictures with Winnie the Pooh!
On Sunday morning we set off for Budapest, and the Wizz Air team welcomed us on board with delicious coffee and tea on the way back.
The trip was a lifetime experience for both children.
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Paris, 09.06.2024

Zita is a very nice smiling little girl. During most of her stay in the hospital, she looks at her small phone, on which she watches her favorite stories and tik-tok videos. Her wish was to see her favorites on a bigger screen. Thanks to the Magic Lamp Foundation, this wish came true very quickly, so Zita became the happy owner of a tablet.
The little girl and her mother were very surprised, but very happy that a small child's big dream came true so quickly. At that moment, the happy smile of a small, beautiful red-haired six-year-old girl lit up the hearts of her mother and the wish coordinators. Because giving and bringing joy, putting a smile on the face of a sick child is a wonderful mission.

wish coordinators
Miskolc, September 9, 2024
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