

Martin, his sibling and parents were invited to the event Chilren’s Day organized by the Pécs National Theatre together with the County Town Library. Due to his curiosity we tried to keep it a secret, but the child was very suspicious.

He arrived a little scared, but showing curious openness at the same time. Thanks to our Foundation two balloon clowns (representing Happy Balloons Ltd. ) also participated in the event and were the first to give Martin a present; in a circle of children, Martin got a balloon guitar.
The opening ceremony started following this and Martin was called on stage.

The moment has come, and as a representative of the Wonderlamp Foundation I had the opportunity to give Martin his much awaited gift: a remote control car, the kind adults would love to play with as well.
The little boy was very touched, but his face reflected joy and happiness.

In the meantime he was given two tickets for that evening’s performance Snow White by the director of the theatre.

With happy satisfaction we went to have lunch on the terrace of a nearby restaurant. We had a good time, Martin enjoyed talking, and he could hardly wait to get home and try his present, because the next day he had to return to the hospital for his last chemotherapy treatment. The next time we saw each other he was excited to tell us about his “wonder car”. Perhaps it is carefree play which lets one forget about the pain and suffering caused by the illness and treatment the best.

We wish to thank the Pécs National Theatre, not only for the fairy tale afternoons, but also for inviting the Wonderlamp Foundation to their Children’s Day event, strengthening our ties, where we got an opportunity to celebrate and fulfil Martin’s dream, as well as letting former “wonderlamp” kids participate in the afternoon show.

Bezdánné Végh Tünde
Pécs, 22.05.2011


It was real magic when Lili’s wish came true!

Lili, a four-year-old girl living in Kerekegyháza, asked for a plastic playground so she could cook in her ‘own house’. After receiving the present, Lili immediately invited us into her small house to eat some cookies. We happily accepted the sweets and made friends with the young hostess.

We wish Lili good health and strength to her family so she could invite lots of friends into her small house in the future.

Many thanks to the Holocsy family, dr. Horváthy Kovács Anikó and dr. Horváthy Dénes Balázs for their support!

Zsombori Erzsébet
19 May 2011, Kerekegyháza


Krisztina is a big fan of the hungarian soap opera ’Jóban- Rosszban’ so her wish was to take part on a shooting with her favourite actor Károly Gesztesi. To orginise this took quite long, but it was not the first time that the cast helped the foundation to make a wish come true. Krisztina was really excited. At the beginning we met the hair dressers,make-up artists and stylsts. When the actor arrived he greeted Kriszti as an old friend and invited the girl to his changing room where they could talk and he offered a sandwich to her. Krisztina gave him a painting in return.
The shooting started in the bar called ’Macsek’. Krisztina was peacefully watching until the director asked her to come in the bar,sit down and ask for the menu- just like an actress She played like she waited for this oppurtunity her entire life. After this she could also have some autographs from the actors and actresses.

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We would like to thank Barbara Ujvári for organising this, Károly Gesztesi to help Krisztina’s wish come true and for the whole cast for being patient when we took several photos of Krisztina’s acting.

Felkai Márta és Lángh Zsófia
Budapest, 2010. 10.19.


Viki has always loved horses.
Her mother told us that Viki has been drawing horses since the age of two, so she obviously asked for a horse now. Viki was dreaming about a pony she could play with, look after, feed and water and might be her friend for many years.

After discussing the circumstances of keeping a horse with Viki’s parents, we started to think about a way of finding a horse for Viki.

Fortunately Miklós Szabó, our kind supporter called us when he saw Viki’s wish on our website to tell us that his horse Bendegúz would be ideal for Viki.

Bendegúz is a wonderful black pony with a white star on his forehead.
He is very friendly, especially with children, so I immediately knew that we have found the best horse for Viki.

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To make Viki even happier, she received her present on Children’s Day. How did they like each other? The photos and Viki’s letter might give you the answer:

"Thank you very much for Bendegúz, you made one of my biggest dreams come true! I received him just a few days ago but he has already given me wonderful moments. Whenever it is possible I spend my time with him.
I have already walked him and even sat on his back after saddling him with the help of a friend of mine. My friend can ride a horse so she could really try Bendegúz and I sat on his back while he was being led.
I will learn how to ride a horse, so I can also do it on my own soon!"

After receiving Viki’s letter I talked to her on the phone and she invited us for a horse riding.
We really hope that we can visit them this year!

Éva Patzauer
28 May 2011

Many thanks to Szabó és Sáli Pónilovas Iskola

Thank you for the support of


Luca is a chatty and vivacious little girl. When she heard that she could ask for something from the genie of Csodalámpa, she didn’t think twice as she became very fond of Bobó.

When she spent time in Hotel Kolping in Alsópáhok, she became enthralled by this cartoon character that is “alive” and walks among the guests to the great amusement of the children. Luca wished to return to this place, and this wish was soon realized thanks to the hotel.

On the 12th of May, when the hotel celebrated its 15th anniversary, the girl and her family were greeted ceremoniously, and Luca was greeted by Bobó specially.

We hope that the memory of the following days full of relaxing, playing, and enjoyment will stay with her forever.

We would like to thank the support of the Hotel Kolping, this was the third time they made a dream come true to one of our children!

We would also like to thank the Linde Gáz Zrt. for providing Luca with the necessary medical equipment on the spot.

Bakonyi Joli and Felkai Márta


The long-awaited day arrived on May 2nd 2011 when we set out for Kaposvár to fulfil Réka’s wish. She had been longing for a bunk bed with a slide which we wanted to hand over on her 4th birthday. The employees of KIKA assembled the „present” on time and one of them, Andrea, even joined us on our trip to Kaposvár.

The fitters were working fast and in a workmanlike manner so Réka didn’t have to play too long on the playground. When she entered her room the surprise was in its place, moreover there was a birthday cake for her with 4 lit candles. Réka is an extremely talkative little girl but this time it took her several minutes before she could speak.
It was great being there sharing her happiness.

When two hours later we left, we felt we became richer thanks for everybody who had helped in making Réka’s birthday unforgettable.

Special thanks for the workers of KIKA for their support.

Russayné Szabolcsik Ildikó
Wish coordinator
02.05. 2011.


Sanyi, the 16 year old boy misses his motorbike and sports the most in the period of the treatments. He has been swimming since the first year and driving a gocart since the fourth year of school.He has also been playing snookers for two, three years.He was to go to snookers camp this July, but he is not too sad about missing it this year as, he says he can go next year.
Sanyi loves challenges : mental, physical ,too.
He received his present on Tuesday , 12th October following his controll tests . It was a great surprise for him as he had no idea when he was getting his present from the Wonderlamp Fund. He was extremely happy to find his new Play Station 3.
He had chosen a PS3 so as not to be bored when he has to stay indoors on colder days especially after his operation when he will not be allowed to strain himself with his favourite sports.

Thank you for the support of '''

Miholecz Judit
wish coordinator
Debrecen, 12.10.2010.


Mate is a lovely blond little boy, who on one hot summer day said that the only wish he would like from our foundation was to spenda day at the beach. Our foundation immediately started organising the holiday for Mate. Finally with the help of an outstanding company he could watch the august 20th fireworks from the Goldenbeach at Balaton. Luckily the weather was idyllic so Mate could spend the hole day in the water and also the family could enjoy the last days of summer as well. On a less sunny day the family even spent a day at the adventure park, where Mate could utilize all his strength and knowledge. Later that day surprise guest also arrived, Hando Kata, a representative of the Foldgazszallito Zrt., who brought thoutfull presents to make Mate's day even more memorable.

We hope this holiday was unforgettable for Mate!

Thank you for the help and support of the, for their continuous help!

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Andrea Mocsonoky
Wish coordinator
2010 august 28, Budapest


Krisztián is a 5 year old boy who loves the "military" games, so he asked for the biggest possible remote control jeep, then he added after some thought, that he would prefer a PSP. On January 17th, I arrived toTűzoltó utcai Clinic with the toy, and made the little boy very pleased.
Chris started using the machine with an "expertise" defying his age, with happy smile on his face expressing thanks for this gift.

Big “Thank you” goes to Éva Szabadics, our private supporter for offering it!

Dr. Tibor Jenei
Wish Coordinator
17.01.2011, Budapest


Iza is 6 years old, she is under a medical treatment in Miskolc. She is going to have hard days because she will have a serious medical treatment.
Because of her disease and her situation she was waiting for meeting the famous singer, Mr. L. L. Junior for a long time.
And the day came which on the miracle happened. Iza has known that she has to go to the Ronald House to look at the room in which her mother will stay during the time while she will be in the steril-box. Employees of the hospital, her parents and the other children were very excited. They hoped that the meeting with the famous singer will happen well. Everybody has known what kind of meeting does Iza go to, it was a secret only for her.
It was needed to wait for Mr. L. L. Junior because his car has broken down on the motorway.
We have already tried all the games, played with all of them which was in the Ronald House and the time has come when we have heard the doorbell ring. Our guest has arrived with his band-mates. We had a heartening sight when Iza saw Mr. L. L. Junior. She was running downstairs and put her arm around the singer.
I think that was the moment when no eyes have stayed dry. Junior, the musicians, Iza and her mother, her godmother, representatives of media, the landlady of the Ronald house and we from the Csodalámpa Foundation, all of us were similing at each other with bright eyes and we were all thinking on the same thing. Iza and Junior were embracing each other for a few minutes then the singer was singing to the little girl. They were talking a lot and they played and the time duration which was one and a half an hour is gone soon. For this meeting for Iza and for all of us will be remarkable for very long time and we will talk about it many times again and again.
Mr. L. L. Junior – the singer – said that Iza is the bravest girl he has ever met and he is a fan of her, he hopes that Iza will recover from her desease soon. Besides the CD which he brough for present to the little girl, the singer draw many sweethearts onto a dedicated poster and asked the little girl for being strong and ingenious as many times the number of the sweethearts on the poster.

Dear Little Iza,
We are confident, that this meeting will stay remarkable for you for a long time. We wish you that Junior’s songs give you the strength to a heroic bear of the upcoming hard days.

Miss. Zsuzsanna Tatárné Csonka
Mrs. Szilárd Kónya
Mrs. Árpád Török
Miss. Ambrus Judit Steerné
6, Oct.2010, Miskolc

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Bence is a 13 year old boy who similarly to his peers has an always burning telephone line. Although unfortunately an accident occured, Bence put his brothers mobile phone in the washing machine, and so he justly gave his own to him.
This way Bence was left without a phone, although he sincerely wished to keep in touch with his friends and family threw-out the long medical treatments,then came the Wonderlamp's ginnie. We visited Bence at the hospital room with Istvan Toth the representative of the supporter company.
When we entered his room with the mobile phone in our hands the boys face lit up with happiness. I can proudly say on Istan Toth's and my behalf we will never forget the joy we saw on the little boys face.

Thank you for the support of the!

Bakonyi Joli
Budapest 2010.08.16


Anna had a successful transplantation.She is interested in photography very seriously.She wanted to know more about the film production and she wanted to see how a film is taken .Anna ’s wish was from the Wonderlamp to take part in the film taking of „ Glas-tiger”

It took us for a long time to arrange this wish, but we did it.We went to Tinnye on a Saturday in July where all of the actors cameraman director were there and worked.Everybody was very kind to Anna Rudorf Péter the director was waited for us and we could follow everything from his tent.Anna was taking a lot of photos with her camera about the scenes and actors.We were there for a long time and we could follow how the actors the team were playing. working.

Thank you Mr. Rudolf Péter and your stew for this experience and of course you Mr. Réti Péter for your help on the locality.

Felkai Márta
Tinnye, 2010.07.24.


Ágnes loves taking photos, no wonder she faced the genie of the Wonderlamp with a wish for a professional camera.
The young lady didn’t have to wait long for the wished machine only till her wish reached a group of young genie students, namely the students of the Eötvös József Gimnázium and their friends who felt they would gladly contribute to the fulfilment of this wish. It was on a beautiful sunny November day that we met in the hospital yard to make this Monday memorable for all of us , especially for Ágnes.
Ágnes approached with a smile and the young wich fulfillers just as old friends started chatting with her and quickly came to the point of their visit. Behind the mask of indifference we could only suspect Ágnes’ smile when her visitors handed over the parcel containing her long wished present and some small surprises including the card signed by all who helped fulfill her wish.
Ágnes took the camera out of its box like an expert and we could all admire the machine. We also learned that she had started a photo course so we sincerely hope to see some of her first shots on an exhibit soon.

We hope Ági will enjoy taking photos with her new camera.

Many thanks to the students of class 12F of Eötvös József Gumnázium and their friends who contributed to Ágnes’ joy.

Mocsonoky Andrea
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 15.11.2010.


Zoli was anxious to meet “Greedy Underarm Glands”, a popular Hungarian band mocking other bands (and everything else too). We were able to set the date for Zoli’s birthday.
On that very day, the first snow also set in but could not discourage us since we were up for two major events. Zoli’s parents planned the meeting as a surprise-party. Everyone arrived safe and sound at the venue, to the studio of “Greedy Underarm Glands”. Zoli was not suspecting anything, even when they stood at the front door. But when he heard the music and spotted the boys…

A long-awaited encounter came true. It was just the day before when he mentioned to his mother that his wish might just have sunk into oblivion.
All-in-all, there was great joy and Zoli was congratulated on his birthday. He sang and danced with the boys, a great deal of photos were shot and Zoli collected all the signatures.

Afterwards we celebrated this special birthday event in a pastry shop. Zoli kept saying: "This has been the happiest day of my life".

We would like to thank the members of the band for their kindness!

Special thank is due to Peter Fodor, the manager of the band, who prior to an important concert and in the middle of a dense program created the opportunity to Zoli for the meeting.

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Ms Orsi Tunyogi
01 October 2010, Budapest


Gábor had a very special wish. It was a bed like a dino. He planned and drew it with his parents’ help. Seeing the drawings we were thinking for quite a long time how we can grant this wish.
We succeeded to arrange this present with his parents’ help and with a lof of enquieries. Of course there were some problems, as well for example: we had to wait for the decoration of the bed or for the mattress. During the making of the bed the kid had to undergo a serious treatment...

The dino-bed was delivered one day earlier as expected and it had to be hidden from the Gabor. He was not allowed to enter the room but he felt so that he must enter the room besause there is a secret in it. When he recognised the bed he put his dinomask on the bed and said: "The dino-bed is perfect."

The official present giving took place next day. When we appeared there some members of the family were there. They also wanted to take part in Gábor’s happiness.
The representative of the company, which financed the wish, was also present of course. Gábor made friendship with him. When the door of his room was opened Gábor run to the bed and he seemed to be blissfully happy.
While we were taking some photos he was assuming different poses. He received an extra dino game, as well. Gábor was chatting and smiling and playing in the grown-up company. He had a nice time and we were also glad to share his joy.

We wish Gábor a fast recovery and hope he can sleep very peacefully in comfort of his dino-bed.

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Many thanks for the FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt for their support.

Bezdánné Végh Tünde and Szabó László
Kétújfalu, 10-12-2010


Tímea from Gyömrő, Ákos from Sopron, Alex from Göd and Kristóf from Hajdúnánás had the same wish: they wanted to go to the Hungaroring to watch the 25th Hungarian Race live and visit the box street.
We have wishes like this every year and it is always difficult to organise that because we need really good tickets so that the children with wheelchair or with special medical condition can have a seat where they are safe and can see the race well. In the very last minute we could organise everything thanks to Mr. László Palik and Mr. Gábor Gönczi. The children received tickets for all 3 days.

We had a special experience on Thursday as the management of Red Bull Racing allowed us to visit the pit lane. Afterneath we met Mark Webber who won the race 3 days later. He gave us autographs and different gifts.
Everybody enjoyed the race as the cars went full gear.

We would like to thank László Palik and Gábor Gönczi to help with the super tickets and to the Red Bull Hungary to organise the visit int he Box-street and the meeting with Mark Webber.

Dobó Gábor és Felkai Márta
Mogyoród, 01-08-2010


Wonderlamp visited a real civil engineer on Saturday. Dominik is the bravest and cutest inhabitant of a small village in Zala County.

He was being played in the middle of the garden, when I could surprise him with the good news, that his wish was fulfilled faster than we expected. Dominik was happy to take over the hospital with the ambulance and the helicopter. He even crawled into the box to check if any spare parts might have left there.
His mother promised him that as soon as the whole hospital will be finished, she will arrange an MR examination for him. I also received lots of smiles and much happiness from this meeting! Thank you!

I can confirm that Mister Civil Engineer assembled everything by the end of next day, and he also sent me a photo of his work.

Dear Éva Szabadicsné Rádi! Thank you for your support!

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Éva Szabadicsné Rádi


In the early morning on the 15th we were very excited to meet the members of the Csodalámpa group at LISZT FERENC Budapest AIRPORT. This was the very first time we saw each other: 8 children, 7 parents/companions and 2 volunteers and a doctor.
One of the children, Viven came from Hajdúböszörmény, but even she was relaxed, as she passed the night at the Art'Otel Budapest as guest of the direction.
It was nice to see the shining faces of the children, full of expectation: for all of them this was to be the first flight of their life.

After the landing in Paris we were taken by comfortable minibuses to our hotel in Disneyland-Paris, the HOTEL CHEYENNE.
This hotel-group was built in small western city style, this atmosphere radiated from everywhere. We quickly checked into our rooms and started to discover the „empire of wonders” with great excitement.
For our luck even the first afternoon we got the colourful, magic „Parade”, where the famous Disney fairy tale characters proceeded in front of us dancing, singing on the Main street. The rest of the afternoon we split into small groups and each had wonderful adventures. We had dinner quite late but the children were not tired at all because in the restaurant of the hotel we got another Mickey Mouse dancing-singing program, creating a splendid mood among the children.

Having a good night’s rest in our comfortable „western” hotel, after a substantial breakfast, we used again the direct hotel-bus to Disney resort to pass and enjoy the whole day there.
The children and adults - considering the different ages and interests - separated into small groups and took part in excited, magic attractions.
Some of favourites were: Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Messa Riverboat, Big Thunder Mountain, Fantasyland, Phantom Manor and the beautiful Castle of Sleeping Beauty. We loved the extraordinary colourful parks and fountains everywhere. And that mood… Thousands of children and adults roaming around everywhere all of them smiling, relaxed….

It was great help for us the so called „fastpass”, courtesy of the Disney Resort: we could use our time much better as almost every case we could get to the attractions with the wheelchairs without queuing. The major part of the group spent the time in Disney Park but some brave boys and their parents went to more „dangerous zones” as well and they really enjoyed the special attractions there.

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The children were changed, they all forgot about their illnesses, just went to the next and next adventure untiredly. We sat on a big ship, on different boats, took small train around the park. We were anxious on the switchback railway which run at top speed clattering in dark, open air, having unexpected curves. We sat on the back of Dumbo, the elephant, horses, small airplanes and so on…
During the dinner at the hotel restaurant we exchanged our experiences and admired the photos of each other. The children were very sorry about saying goodbye to the wonders of Disneyland but at the same time they were excited by the boat trip on the Seine next day.

Sunday morning after the regular substantial breakfast the minibuses took us to Paris, to the bank of Seine where we admired „la Tour Eiffel” - unfortunately we had no time enough to go up to the tower.
After a short walk we got into the high class, glass-covered boat. We discovered the magic of the banks of the Seine with their prestigious monuments that had left their mark in history. We also had lunch while floating accompanied with original accordion music.

Then the minibuses came for us and transferred us to the airport. The brave children-group was a little bit tired here, and they just held with love their small presents bought to their family members, friends.
Now, as „experienced travellers” they got on board without fear and enjoyed the flight back. We arrived to Budapest quite late.

The 3 days flew very fast as they all lived their dreams...

In the life of all these children it was the first time to go abroad, to fly, to have adventures in Disneyland, a journey on a boat, a dinner in an elegant restaurant with beautiful panorama… All of these are special unforgettable provisions for their entire life, not forgetting the friendships which were developed during this trip among the children and also the adults.

The children explained their feelings in a short, written form, they all are very thankful for the adults, companies - supporting Csodalámpa Foundation - for providing for them the possibility to enjoy this dream journey.

We wish the SUPER-CHILDREN-GROUP that this wonderful experience helps them in their further recovering!

Thank you for the support of

Éva Batári, dr. Katalin Bartyik, Márta Benkóczy
Disneyland, 17-04-2011


In the early morning on the 15th we were very excited to meet the members of the Csodalámpa group at LISZT FERENC Budapest AIRPORT. This was the very first time we saw each other: 8 children, 7 parents/companions and 2 volunteers and a doctor.
One of the children, Viven came from Hajdúböszörmény, but even she was relaxed, as she passed the night at the Art'Otel Budapest as guest of the direction.
It was nice to see the shining faces of the children, full of expectation: for all of them this was to be the first flight of their life.

After the landing in Paris we were taken by comfortable minibuses to our hotel in Disneyland-Paris, the HOTEL CHEYENNE.
This hotel-group was built in small western city style, this atmosphere radiated from everywhere. We quickly checked into our rooms and started to discover the „empire of wonders” with great excitement.
For our luck even the first afternoon we got the colourful, magic „Parade”, where the famous Disney fairy tale characters proceeded in front of us dancing, singing on the Main street. The rest of the afternoon we split into small groups and each had wonderful adventures. We had dinner quite late but the children were not tired at all because in the restaurant of the hotel we got another Mickey Mouse dancing-singing program, creating a splendid mood among the children.

Having a good night’s rest in our comfortable „western” hotel, after a substantial breakfast, we used again the direct hotel-bus to Disney resort to pass and enjoy the whole day there.
The children and adults - considering the different ages and interests - separated into small groups and took part in excited, magic attractions.
Some of favourites were: Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Messa Riverboat, Big Thunder Mountain, Fantasyland, Phantom Manor and the beautiful Castle of Sleeping Beauty. We loved the extraordinary colourful parks and fountains everywhere. And that mood… Thousands of children and adults roaming around everywhere all of them smiling, relaxed….

It was great help for us the so called „fastpass”, courtesy of the Disney Resort: we could use our time much better as almost every case we could get to the attractions with the wheelchairs without queuing. The major part of the group spent the time in Disney Park but some brave boys and their parents went to more „dangerous zones” as well and they really enjoyed the special attractions there.

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The children were changed, they all forgot about their illnesses, just went to the next and next adventure untiredly. We sat on a big ship, on different boats, took small train around the park. We were anxious on the switchback railway which run at top speed clattering in dark, open air, having unexpected curves. We sat on the back of Dumbo, the elephant, horses, small airplanes and so on…
During the dinner at the hotel restaurant we exchanged our experiences and admired the photos of each other. The children were very sorry about saying goodbye to the wonders of Disneyland but at the same time they were excited by the boat trip on the Seine next day.

Sunday morning after the regular substantial breakfast the minibuses took us to Paris, to the bank of Seine where we admired „la Tour Eiffel” - unfortunately we had no time enough to go up to the tower.
After a short walk we got into the high class, glass-covered boat. We discovered the magic of the banks of the Seine with their prestigious monuments that had left their mark in history. We also had lunch while floating accompanied with original accordion music.

Then the minibuses came for us and transferred us to the airport. The brave children-group was a little bit tired here, and they just held with love their small presents bought to their family members, friends.
Now, as „experienced travellers” they got on board without fear and enjoyed the flight back. We arrived to Budapest quite late.

The 3 days flew very fast as they all lived their dreams...

In the life of all these children it was the first time to go abroad, to fly, to have adventures in Disneyland, a journey on a boat, a dinner in an elegant restaurant with beautiful panorama… All of these are special unforgettable provisions for their entire life, not forgetting the friendships which were developed during this trip among the children and also the adults.

The children explained their feelings in a short, written form, they all are very thankful for the adults, companies - supporting Csodalámpa Foundation - for providing for them the possibility to enjoy this dream journey.

We wish the SUPER-CHILDREN-GROUP that this wonderful experience helps them in their further recovering!

Thank you for the support of

Éva Batári, dr. Katalin Bartyik, Márta Benkóczy
Disneyland, 17-04-2011


In the early morning on the 15th we were very excited to meet the members of the Csodalámpa group at LISZT FERENC Budapest AIRPORT. This was the very first time we saw each other: 8 children, 7 parents/companions and 2 volunteers and a doctor.
One of the children, Viven came from Hajdúböszörmény, but even she was relaxed, as she passed the night at the Art'Otel Budapest as guest of the direction.
It was nice to see the shining faces of the children, full of expectation: for all of them this was to be the first flight of their life.

After the landing in Paris we were taken by comfortable minibuses to our hotel in Disneyland-Paris, the HOTEL CHEYENNE.
This hotel-group was built in small western city style, this atmosphere radiated from everywhere. We quickly checked into our rooms and started to discover the „empire of wonders” with great excitement.
For our luck even the first afternoon we got the colourful, magic „Parade”, where the famous Disney fairy tale characters proceeded in front of us dancing, singing on the Main street. The rest of the afternoon we split into small groups and each had wonderful adventures. We had dinner quite late but the children were not tired at all because in the restaurant of the hotel we got another Mickey Mouse dancing-singing program, creating a splendid mood among the children.

Having a good night’s rest in our comfortable „western” hotel, after a substantial breakfast, we used again the direct hotel-bus to Disney resort to pass and enjoy the whole day there.
The children and adults - considering the different ages and interests - separated into small groups and took part in excited, magic attractions.
Some of favourites were: Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Messa Riverboat, Big Thunder Mountain, Fantasyland, Phantom Manor and the beautiful Castle of Sleeping Beauty. We loved the extraordinary colourful parks and fountains everywhere. And that mood… Thousands of children and adults roaming around everywhere all of them smiling, relaxed….

It was great help for us the so called „fastpass”, courtesy of the Disney Resort: we could use our time much better as almost every case we could get to the attractions with the wheelchairs without queuing. The major part of the group spent the time in Disney Park but some brave boys and their parents went to more „dangerous zones” as well and they really enjoyed the special attractions there.

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The children were changed, they all forgot about their illnesses, just went to the next and next adventure untiredly. We sat on a big ship, on different boats, took small train around the park. We were anxious on the switchback railway which run at top speed clattering in dark, open air, having unexpected curves. We sat on the back of Dumbo, the elephant, horses, small airplanes and so on…
During the dinner at the hotel restaurant we exchanged our experiences and admired the photos of each other. The children were very sorry about saying goodbye to the wonders of Disneyland but at the same time they were excited by the boat trip on the Seine next day.

Sunday morning after the regular substantial breakfast the minibuses took us to Paris, to the bank of Seine where we admired „la Tour Eiffel” - unfortunately we had no time enough to go up to the tower.
After a short walk we got into the high class, glass-covered boat. We discovered the magic of the banks of the Seine with their prestigious monuments that had left their mark in history. We also had lunch while floating accompanied with original accordion music.

Then the minibuses came for us and transferred us to the airport. The brave children-group was a little bit tired here, and they just held with love their small presents bought to their family members, friends.
Now, as „experienced travellers” they got on board without fear and enjoyed the flight back. We arrived to Budapest quite late.

The 3 days flew very fast as they all lived their dreams...

In the life of all these children it was the first time to go abroad, to fly, to have adventures in Disneyland, a journey on a boat, a dinner in an elegant restaurant with beautiful panorama… All of these are special unforgettable provisions for their entire life, not forgetting the friendships which were developed during this trip among the children and also the adults.

The children explained their feelings in a short, written form, they all are very thankful for the adults, companies - supporting Csodalámpa Foundation - for providing for them the possibility to enjoy this dream journey.

We wish these SUPER-CHILDREN that this wonderful experience help them in their further recovering!

Many thanks for the support of

and the American International School of Budapest

Éva Batári, dr. Katalin Bartyik, Márta Benkóczy
Disneyland, 17-04-2011


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