

Unfortunately, Táltos, together with his brother, suffers from an illness that has given them both the right to wish for something from the Magic Lamp Foundation. They knew that they would not ask for an object, since they were collecting experiences. This is how the choice was made for a trip to Legoland in Germany.

Legoland enchanted the boys. Countless attractions awaited them in the thematically built amusement park, and they looked at everything, tried everything out, and were interested in everything. They were cheerful, laughing all the time, marveling at many interesting things. They enjoyed every minute of the program and will probably talk about the wonderful experiences for a long time.

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On behalf of the children and their family, we thank Henkel Magyarország Kft., as well as our private sponsors, including the members and managers of XpatLoop, the largest domestic xpat organization, for making the brothers' dream come true.

Roland Marada
Legoland June 30, 2024.


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