

Ann from Pásztó has medical treatment in Budapest. She wished for a nice playground in their garden where she could swing and slide with her little brother.

Her wish was fulfilled exactly on Children’s day. Their grandparents took Ann and her brother for an excursion so that the new playground would be a real surprise... So it was.

They were highly cheerful when the swings and the yellow slide attracted their eyes arriving home. Ann and her brother have tried all the equipment at once. The slide and the small house became Ann’s favorite while the swings became her brother’s.

Dear Ann,
We wish you great happiness playing on your Children’s day playground and a quick remedy from your malady.

Thanks for Cisco Systems Hungary Ltd. for their support.

Zsuzsanna Tatárné Csonka
László Adorján
Wish Coordinator
Pásztó, 27/05/2017


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