The biggest dream of the 14 years old soma was a real, ACER Aspire laptop. Soma had been wantig this machine for quiet a long tome, since it would ease his studies and would also help him to keep in touch with his friends and school.
When he got an invitation from the students of the American International School of Budapest to their meeting on the 20th of November 2013., he didn`t suspect what was the real reason of the invitation.
He tought that the students only wanted to meet him to get to know him, and to find out why he`d wished for a laptop.
Soma is a very nice, interested and open-minded guy. His self-consciousness at the begining was soon gone, when he saw the tons of smiling faces. Mr. Marc Lavoie and the representatives of the students council warmly welcomed him, and he watched the entire ceremony from the stage.
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The highlight of the get-together was the couple of minutes, when in the name of older students three of them handed over the magnificent laptop, and as the students watched Soma`s joyful smile, they all stood up whit their hands forming a heart, as an expression of their love. After the ceremony we were given delicious meal and pastries, and then Soma immediately started to operate the machine. He could hardly be seperated from it.
We hope that the laptop will provide you many joyful hours!
Nagykovácsi, 2013/11/20

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- Georgina Berta (10 year old, Pomáz )
- Barbara (16 year old, Budapest)
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- István Ábris (7 year old, Dunakeszi)
- Zsófia (17 éves, Kalocsa)
- Soma (14 year old, Szentendre)
- Benjamin Gábor (12 year old, Veszprém)
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