Rami has stayed the same vivid, active little girl as she was before her illness and the treatments. As her parents say she has always been full of life. Her wish was a trampoline, because she loves jumping up and down.
When we arrived the little girl was quite surprised, but when we asked her about her wish, she came back quick with the „right” answer. By the time the assembly started she was very friendly and took us in her confidence.
As her wish was fulfilled with the help of Morgan Stanley, two young men of the company, Ádám Hegedűs and Rudolf Réti, were also helping with the assembly. Rami also took an active part in the assembly process...
The trampoline was not quite ready when the girl took charge of it, though I was quite worried that she might fall off.
But fortunately no! As you can see on the picture she turned out to be as good at it as a grasshopper.
The weather was nice to us for a while, but then a short rain came. And since Rami was tired from all the jumping and because she had missed her afternoon nap, she fell asleep fast. After the rain we installed the safety net and tried the trampoline ourselves, to make sure of its safety.
This was a memorable afternoon in Kistelek for everyone involved.
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June 11 June, 2013, Kistelek
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