Bence had already defeated the serious disease once when he was little, and no one had a clue that it will return again. But it did.
At the moment, Bence is recovering in a sterile room at Saint László Hospital after a medullary transplant. It has been over two months now. He asked for a television, so when he can finally go home, he will be able to watch his favorite shows with – or without, if necessary – his siblings.
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Bence’s wish was granted from the generous donations of the students and teachers at the American International School of Budapest.
They were represented by one of the teachers, Ben O’Brian and we got ready to speak with Bence in person, who was really surprised, because he didn’t know about anything. We are grateful for the secrecy, kindness and helpfulness of the staff, because the TV was delivered there a couple days ago. Ben and I took the TV down, and because it couldn’t be sterilized Ben showed it through the window of the room.
Bence’s parents were there, so there was no problem with getting it home. Ben brought the T-shirt of the American School with him as a side present, and we were able to give it to him, thanks to his good results.
We told him, that the AISB organized a fundraiser event called “Walk-the-Wish” for the seventh time to make the Wonder Lamp children’s dream come true. This year with the help of two Hungarian schools, there were almost one thousand participants. The students got to choose whose wish to grant from the money; they were the one choosing Bence too.

29. 10. 2012. Budapest.
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- Dániel (9 years old, Erdőtelek)
- Levente (5 year old, Zalagyömörő)
- Viktória (16 years old, Keszthely)
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- Zita (18 years old, Alacska)
- Bence (16 years old, Ötvöskónyi)
- Richárd Bence (3 year old, Budapest)
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- Dániel (17, Budapest)
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