We had again a great challenge this year. Six children of the „Wonder Lamp Foundation” wanted to see the Hungarian Formel 1 car race. Ádám, Emese, Olivér, the brothers Bálint and Péter have been waiting for a long time to see and to speak to their favourite competitors. We needed a lot of tickets to enter the car race.We got a lot of help from Mr. Gyulai Zsolt who is the the president-director of Hungaroring Sport Zrt. and from Mr. Szekeres Pál the deputy under-secretary of state for sport.
Unfortunately Emese could visit only the car race with her family but the boys saw the box-street, preparations, in which the Red Bull Racing team gave us a great help.
The 5 families arrived from the different parts of Hungary so they arrived earlier before the the beginning and they were waiting for the bus of Red Bull exiting. Ms Nagy Bernadett and Mr. Marcus Prosser showed us over the "world of wonder". The kids could admired the "miracle saddle-horses" they saw Schumacher ans Alonso from a short distance. The children continuously mentioned the famous teams, races,places and of course the dates, too.
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Mark Webber took us by surprise and he greeted "the children of the Magic Lamp". lot of photos were taken and of course he gave a lot of signatures and the caps were signed as well. Emese was not there but she received a signed cap, too. e loves the children and he always helps them if he can. The photos could be seen in the newspapers, as well.
The small group of kids were full of experiences and adventures. After these days they could tell a lot of stories to their friend about their experiences.
Many thanks to the direction of Hungaroring Sport Zrt., to Ms Kovács Ágnes and to Ms Dr. Litavecz Anna, the director of the deputy under-secretary office for sport for their help and for their goodwill. We are grateful to Red Bull Hungary Kft., to their workmates and of course to the whole team of Red Bull Racing because they realised the meeting with stars for the children and the paddock visiting.
Mogyoród, 25-27/07/2012
Previous posts
- Kadosa (5, Érd)
- Stefánia (13 years old, Celldömölk)
- Péter (10 years old, Nagykanizsa)
- Oliver (6 years old, Esztergom)
- Emese (14 years old, Dunaegyháza)
- Reports/2012-08-03 Balint
- Ádám (16 years old, Szombathely)
- Benedek (8 years old, Hatvan)
- Bence (13, Kiskunmajsa)
- Péter (15, Galgahévíz)
- Brenda (4 years old, Kecskemét -Hetényegyháza)
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