

Linda is a little lady, therefore she wished to have her room made up nicely, so she requested from Csodalampa a bed with baldachine.

As soon as a kind supporter applied, we immediately started the discussions about the furniture.

We managed to find a beautiful bed and after purchase, we scheduled the delivery to be a complete surprise for Linda.

She was on control at the hospital, so her dad was able to assemble the bed in her room in total secret, so when Linda reached home in the evening, she was so much surprised seeing her room changed and jumped on her new bed, what became the jewel of her room too.

Thanks for the big help for our regular supporter Brigitta Tuboly.

Péter Biczó
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 2011.12.21.

We would like to say thank you to our sponsor and Csodalampa Foundation, who made Linda's dream come true.

Her happyness was immense - the surprise was a complete success.

When we got home after the control, Linda was totally unsuspicious, so when she first saw the beautiful bed se only could say "This will be good"!

She immediatelly tried the bed, played in it for a long time. Since then every time she goes to bed is a happy time.

Thanks you again: Linda's parrents


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