Ágoston wanted to get a netbook from the Wonder Lamp. He did not think that the present would be given him on a golf court while some golf playing people and children of the Wonder Lamp were a standing ovation.
On this day there was the II. golf charity day of the Wonder Lamp which was organised by the Zsira Sonnengolf Club.
The netbook was the present of Abakusz Számítástechnika whose manager Mrs Virágné Mozsolits Klára gave Ágoston the netbook.
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After giving the surprise to Ágoston there was a game where Ágoston made fantastic shows with his wheelchair.
We wish you Ágoston to have a lot of fun in the world of the internet with the help of your new netbook.

Patzauer Éva and Gőgös Zsuzsa
Zsira, 24.09.2011.
Zsira, 24.09.2011.
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