

Tímea from Gyömrő, Ákos from Sopron, Alex from Göd and Kristóf from Hajdúnánás had the same wish: they wanted to go to the Hungaroring to watch the 25th Hungarian Race live and visit the box street.
We have wishes like this every year and it is always difficult to organise that because we need really good tickets so that the children with wheelchair or with special medical condition can have a seat where they are safe and can see the race well. In the very last minute we could organise everything thanks to Mr. László Palik and Mr. Gábor Gönczi. The children received tickets for all 3 days.

We had a special experience on Thursday as the management of Red Bull Racing allowed us to visit the pit lane. Afterneath we met Mark Webber who won the race 3 days later. He gave us autographs and different gifts.
Everybody enjoyed the race as the cars went full gear.

We would like to thank László Palik and Gábor Gönczi to help with the super tickets and to the Red Bull Hungary to organise the visit int he Box-street and the meeting with Mark Webber.

Dobó Gábor és Felkai Márta
Mogyoród, 01-08-2010


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