

Peter is a big music fan his favorite singer is Micheal Jackson, so he didn’t have to thing long what he would like from the Wonderlamp Foundation.

When I went to visit him at the Tűzoltó street clinic I didn’t find him in his room, but then I realized the only place he could be is in the playroom. Peti looked at us surpisedly,and when he found out I was from the Wonder lamp Foundation he smiled.

First we talked a bit then, he told me all about his favorite music bands, and then I handed over the present witch he so longed for. All of the CDs were Micheal Jackson ones.

Peti held the CDs so tightly as if they were Micheal Jackson himself. The little fan immediately told his dad to bring the CD and DVD player in so he can listen to the new CDs.

We wish that all these new CDs help Peti forget the hard time he’s gone threw.

Thank you for the support of Dr. Tesics György who helped us fulfil another little boys dream.

Thank you for the support of AAA Klinikák Dent.

Zsuzsanna Sipos
2010 March 30. Budapest


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