Adam’s favorites are story films, when I arrived he was watching his DVD player, but unfortunately because of his infusion he couldn’t get up from his bed, although he would have loved to jump out of bed and check the big TV that we were pushing in on the trolley. His face was glowing from happiness.
With the help of our sponsor Adam’s room has its own Tv as well!
His mother in a few days happily told us, they got the machine working, and since then the little boy watches storys all day and night!
Joli Bakonyi
Wish coordinator
Wish coordinator
Previous posts
- Ádám (14 years old, Túrricse)
- Szilveszter Emánuel (7 éves, Pilisvörösvár)
- Mercédesz ( 14 years old, Szigethalom )
- Balázs Valentin (8 years old, Sopron)
- Kinga Alexandra ( 7 years old, Miskolc )
- Ádám (5 years old, Kisújszállás)
- Balázs ( 15 éves, Budapest )
- Attila ( 11 years old, Tokaj )
- Tímea (14 éves, Budapest)
- Richárd (11 éves, Városföld)
- Olivér Dániel (14 éves, Pécs)