Tamás, the teenage boy is a serious young man. It was in the summer that I had talked to him about his plans for the future and he revealed his secret dream: as an amateur sound technician he is longing for a music realm of his own, and all he is lacking is an amplifier and appropriate loudspeakers.
We had no idea at the time how difficult a task was awaiting the genie of the Wonderlamp as it turned out that we were to find the right type of loudspeakers which could be fitted to his already existing apparatus.
Thus we had to connect the two experts: the shop assistant from the music shop and Tamás himself and find the right combination. Tamás was by no means aware that his wish would come true almost immediately after the telephone call as we had misled him by saying that it was only to make sure that the genie would not make a mistake when fulfilling his task.
As Tamás is only visiting the hospital in Tűzoltó Utca for control tests we had an idea that his dream could come true right before the blood test the next time he was going, that is I would hand him the serious sound technical equipment he had been dreaming of.
For a minute it seemed that this dream will remain a dream because at the Wonderlamp there are no weightlifter (volunteers) and the two loudspeakers and the amplifier proved to be so heavy that it was absolutely impossible for one person to carry. But for the Wonderlamp nothing is impossible so by the time Tamás and his mother arrived at the hospital the less heavy amplifier was hiding in a surgery at the out-patient department. I sneaked in and called Tamás in over the caller.
He was extremely surprised when I uncovered why he had to come in. The teenage boy could only smile and mutter „Oh, I really wasn’t expecting anything like this” and turned red in excitement.
Well the amplifer was lying at Tamás’s feet to amplify his courage to undergo the test but the loudspeakers were to be taken from the music shop as a prize after the test.
Then there was nothing left but the installation and putting in use of all in his home.
I can’t imagine where Tamás’s parents escaped when he had finished with the technical task and tried out the complete studio.

Zsuzsanna Sipos
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- Anita ( 10 years old, Pannonhalma)
- Alexandra (11 years old, Budapest)
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- Imre (6 years old, Létavértes )
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- Tamás (14 years old, Érd)
- Péter (11 years old, Székesfehérvár)
- Nora (17 years old, Szerencs)
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