Krisztina's wish - to learn to play guitar- was the first of its kind in Wonderlamp's history.
At the begining of the seventies I learnt to play guitar at the "Belvárosi Zeneiskola" (Downtown Music School in Budapest). I thought there might be a chance that the school still exists and my teacher still teaches there.
Hopefully the answer for both questions were YES and after we checked that Krisztina can start to learn on normal size guitar Elfi - my old teacher - agreed to teach Krisztina.
Krisztina has been practising since September and according to her teacher she has been a clever and nice student.
I wish to Kriszti to have at least as much fun playing guitar as I have had in the past years.
Budapest, 08.09.2007
This wish has been granted with the support of . Many thanks in the name of Krisztina too!
Previous posts
- Julianna (13 years old, Budapest)
- Zoltán (15, Miskolc)
- Dániel (13 years old, Csákánydoroszló)
- Klaudia (16 years old, Zalaapáti)
- Gyula (15, Tiszaújváros)
- Krisztina (16 years old, Budapest)
- Bence (10 years old, Pécs)
- 2007-08-29 Nikoletta
- János (17 years old, Somogyszil)
- Mátyás (9 years old, Pusztavám)
- Dóri (18 years old, Somogyudvarhely)
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