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My wish was a sightseeing tour to London and it came true very quickly. My mother and I were very excited about the trip as we had never flown before. We found both the take-off and the landing really interesting. We had some adventures at Heathrow Airport. During the four days we spent in London we saw many beautiful, wonderful things. This experience cannot be described, it must be seen in person. I would like to thank the volunteers of Wonderlamp and the sponsors, without whom all this would not have been possible.
Kind Regards, Ivett ********, and her mother.
We would like to thank MALÉV - Hungarian Airlines, the staff of the Hungarian Cultural Center and the Hungarian Embassy in London, the Budapest Taxi, The British Tours, and the management of Londoni Magyarok Association, that they made it possible for us to fulfill Ivett's wish.
We owe special thanks to our private sponsors, who spared no pains or time provided Ivett and her mother with accomodation in Hungary and in London, drove them around, and even gave Ivett a special souvenir, like the management of Gyöngyös Mézes.
Éva Patzauer
managing director
Wonderlamp Foundation
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- 2007-06-28 Anett
- Albert Csaba (14, Marosvásárhely, Transsylvania)
- Nikoletta (16 éves, Gyöngyöshalász)
- Hunor (17 , Dunaújváros)
- Ákos (16 years old, Kecskemét)
- Ivett (13, Baja)
- Dávid (17, Csanádpalota)
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