Tamaska Richárd
32. SPAR Budapest Marathon Festival
Dear All,
This initiative is about my faith in this community and about the children, who face diseases from day to day.
In the recent years running helped me a lot to get over hard times. Now I'd like to use this beautiful sport to help children who fight for their recovery and a healthy life.
After a huge decision, I've started to prepare to my fist Marathon (Budapest Marathon in October). I'd like to join the training series with a little charitative activity. During my preparation, you can „adopt" my kilometers, helping with this to the children. I support this activity with 50 HUF after every completed kilometers in my preparation period (5-10.000 HUF/month).
I trust in you, trust in us. Donation and running are cool, please help us!

Magic Lamp Foundation
By supporting the Magic Lamp Foundation, we can jointly help every Magic Lamp child to:
• Break the routine of longterm hospital care...
• Open up the world of hospital care room...
• Give hope to enjoy the ’unreal, impossible’ wish to come true
Throughout the 15 years of our foundations’ operation we have fulfilled more to 3000 wishes countrywide. By granting a wish we can greatly contribute to a child happiness and to strengthen the belief and hope in recovery.
Support a seriously ill children to make their dream come true! Even the smallest help is big help!
345 000 Ft Pledged of 250 000 Ft Goal
- 7000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd (októberi kilométerek))
- 10 000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd (szeptemberi kilométerek))
- 7000 Ft (Pécz Lilla)
- 7000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 10 000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd)
- 9000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd)
- 7000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 7000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 6000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd (júniusi kilométerek))
- 9000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd (májusi kilométerek))
- 7000 Ft (Kéri - Pécz Lilla gyógytornász)
- 7000 Ft (Kéri - Pécz Lilla gyógytornász)
- 7000 Ft (Kéri - Pécz Lilla gyógytornász)
- 9000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd (áprilisi kilométerek))
- 1000 Ft (Szőke Szidónia)
- 30 000 Ft (Andrea Molnár Szego)
- 10 000 Ft (Barta Sándor)
- 10 000 Ft (Wiki&Isti)
- 6000 Ft (Rigó Áron)
- 7000 Ft (Tamaska Richárd)
- 50 000 Ft (Tamaska Attiláné)
- 49 000 Ft (Tamaska Attiláné)
- 25 000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 25 000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 2000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 5000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 1000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 5000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 5000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
– By Tamaska Richárd on 2017-04-03
– By Andrea Molnár Szego on 2017-04-27
– By Wiki&Isti on 2017-05-03
– By Tamaska Richárd on 2017-09-01
– By Tamaska Richárd on 2017-09-01