Hegyestű TRAIL – 109 km
English title
Introduction for Vigaszágrólszakadtak

Magic Lamp Foundation
By supporting the Magic Lamp Foundation, we can jointly help every Magic Lamp child to:
• Break the routine of longterm hospital care...
• Open up the world of hospital care room...
• Give hope to enjoy the ’unreal, impossible’ wish to come true
Throughout the 15 years of our foundations’ operation we have fulfilled more to 3000 wishes countrywide. By granting a wish we can greatly contribute to a child happiness and to strengthen the belief and hope in recovery.
Support a seriously ill children to make their dream come true! Even the smallest help is big help!
141 469 Ft Pledged of 120 000 Ft Goal
- 13 000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 5000 Ft (Tölgyesi Dávid)
- 10 000 Ft (Sipos Zsolt és családja)
- 5000 Ft (Nagy Gábor)
- 1000 Ft (Őri Lászlóné)
- 3500 Ft (Békefi Attila és családja)
- 10 000 Ft (Köcski Helga)
- 10 000 Ft (Fohner Éva Veronika)
- 10 000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 6969 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 9000 Ft (Gyengéné Kimmer Klára)
- 10 000 Ft (csongor)
- 5000 Ft (Vidovics Dóra)
- 5000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 10 000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 5000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 5000 Ft (Már Lajosné)
- 5000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 3000 Ft (Pannika)
- 10 000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
– By Pannika on 2021-09-08
– By Anonymous donor on 2021-09-12
– By Anonymous donor on 2021-09-27