Szabados Ádám
PwC Magyarország
Individual Half Marathon
24th K&H
Doing good is good! Good and elevating feeling. Helping someone who needs your support - there is actually not a more noble profession in our life. Sometimes we share knowledge, happiness or a smile, a verbal support we give each other. Some other time we back more holistic and generic projects. That is what I am doing now also as I really want to help. Selling others the idea and collecting some first followers, maybe the biggest help I can provide with now.
Just because giving is elevating. We human, all come from a common ground and are responsible for each other. During our lives we basically share and receive - and the more bravely we share, the more likely and to a higher extent we receive. So let us make our future happier!

8 years old
He would like a laptop .
150 000 Ft
Patric's wish has been granted!
A nyolcéves, Elek községben élő Patric 2. osztályos tanuló, éppen a szorzótáblával áll nagy küzdelemben, két nagyobb lánytestvére van, akik nagy szeretettel veszik körül a kistestvérüket, aki magántanuló.
Súlyos vesebetegsége miatt hosszú időt kell kórházban töltenie, hiányzik a családja és a barátai, ezért szeretne egy laptopot, ami megkönnyítené a kapcsolattartást.
190 000 Ft Pledged of 150 000 Ft Goal
Szabados Ádám has contributed 34 000 Ft
- 29 000 Ft (Baranyai Adrienn)
- 3000 Ft (Anonymous donor)
- 2000 Ft (Anonymous donor)