Donate Without a Project

Thank you for your interest in our activities and your intention to support the mission of the Magic Lamp Foundation.
We have been granting special wishes of critically ill children for the last 15 years with the help of our national wish-granting network and supporters like yourself: private individuals and companies.
Until today, we have granted 5336 wishes of iil children from all around Hungary.

The "dreamscape" is infinite: from books dedicated by the author to musical instruments, from meeting world-famous artists to visiting the Marcedes or Audi factory, from from toys to computers...

You can read reports of many granted wishes translated to English by clicking here.

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Thanks for your donation and your help to let us realise new and new dreams!

If you donate 10 000,00 Ft or more, we will post your photo and short comment on our map!
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Please check this box if you do not want your name in the public list of project backers. We will still need you to provide us with your name.
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Number of requested tokens is 24 and the tokens may be kept for up to 2 years.

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